Monday, December 7, 2009

Brynlin's Special Day!!

Yesterday we blessed my sweet baby girl! She looked SO beautiful...thanks to my mom and all her hard work making the most gorgeous blessing dress I have ever seen!! She did an amazing job! Jake's dad gave the blessing and did such a great job. Afterwards we had a luncheon at our house and had lots of yummy food thanks to both of our families and friends! It went so well and I had a ton of help from my sweet sisters! Thanks to everyone who helped and came! I am truly blessed to have such great family and friends!!

Brynlin's Room!

Well I've had multiple people asking me to post pictures of Brynlin's here they finally are! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mickey and Minnie!!

Halloween was so much fun! My mom was so nice to make Brynlin a cute little Minnie Mouse outfit so she could match Nikson aka Mickey Mouse! Jake took Niks out trick or treating and Brynlin and I stayed home and passed out candy! Then we were off to see the grandparents!! It was a fun night and my kids looked so dang cute...even if Nikson wouldn't let us paint his nose and barely wore the hat and gloves for a few pictures and trick or treating!! I love Halloween!!

The Pumpkin Patch!!

Anyone who knows me, knows I love Halloween so much and one of my favorite things to do each October is to go to the pumpkin patch and pick out a bunch of pumpkins to carve and put on my front porch! This year we didn't get to carving our pumpkins..... (which makes me so sad to even admit it! Along with that I didn't get my Halloween decorations up!) but we did go as a family and had lots of fun looking for the perfect pumpkins for each one of us! Maybe we can still carve a few just for fun even though Halloween is over!! We'll carve turkeys on them!!!

Shot Guns and Collar Bones!!

So this is Nikson's first shot gun!! His new prize for........

Breaking his collar bone! 2 weeks ago Nikson was asleep with me in my bed, and being a total crazy sleeper, rolled off in the middle of the night. He cried for 2 hours straight. We kept asking him what hurt and finally Jake came to the conclusion that it had to be his collar bone. We were going to the doctor in the morning for Brynlin's 2 wk appointment, so we decided to wait and just take him then too. We had to take hime to Primary Children's to get an xray and low and behold he did break it! SO! Back to the doctors to get a brace for him to wear so he was more comfortable. Poor baby boy! Broke my heart to see him in so much pain. It is so amazing though how tough kids are. Dang! I am such a wimp compared to him! He luckily is doing so much better now!

Pretty happy kid for just breaking a bone!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Introducing Our Beautiful Brynlin!!!

Looking at Daddy!!

Proud big brother who loves his sister so much!

The beginning of a million kisses!

We had our beautiful girl October 1st which was 3 1/2 weeks early. She weighed 6 lbs and 4 oz and 18 1/2 inches long! I am so blessed to have such a sweet perfect baby and Nikson is such a proud brother! I love my kids so much and couldn't ask for cuter, better babes than these two angels!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bow Hunting!!!

This last weekend we went with my family on the opening weekend of the bow hunt. This is our yearly family reunion and we always have so much fun! Nikson loves the four wheelers and this year was especially fun for him to play outside ALL day and night with his cousins! He has finally figured out that they all are much more fun than mom and dad!

Jake giving Niks a ride on Grandma's motorcycle!

Nikson learning to ride a "big four wheeler".

Katie, Ireland, Grandma and Nikson.

Daddy and Niks looking for deer!

Just took a long ride with dad!!

His favorite outside toy! He needs a bigger one finally!

Stopped by a stream for some pictures!

Best friends!!
We love camping so much and are so grateful for the beautiful mountains and making memories with our families.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Where's Nikson?!!

So Jake came home with some new fun for Nikson!! He is loving building "forts" with Daddy! And all other cool things! I don't think Jake knew what he was getting himself into by building such cool things to hide and play in!!!! He loves Jake so much and I am not joking when I say he is "obsessed" with his dad! I love my two boys so much and am so thankful for them. I love to just sit and watch them play together and see how happy they make each other!!

This is the laying down fort.

I see you!!!

Oh no!!! Daddy got inside too!

Look at that face!! Isn't he so adorable?!

He fits!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


So Jake, Nikson and I all went to Fetal Foto's a week ago to find out what this new baby is! I could not wait til 20 weeks to find out! That is way too long! We found out it is a GIRL! I am so excited to have one of each now! Jake will have his hunting partner and side kick and I'll get a little girly shopping partner (not that Nikson isn't great at shopping!!!)!!!